Comments on: Summer Break Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: Sean D Sean D Tue, 11 Jul 2006 00:45:21 +0000 Hi Policy Wonks and Wonk-abees :) While taking a break from policy minutia this summer, feel free to stroll over to my new blog, "Head in a Cloud", at, for some scientific minutia about clouds. This blog will not feature the pseudo-daily posts like Rogers (more like once per week), but I hope to give coverage to breaking research in clouds and cloud/climate issues. Alot of the policy people won't find many of the posts too interesting, but I would be interested to get feedback on one of my first posts, "What do we really need to know about clouds?", which is sort of an open-ended question aimed at both science wonks and policy wonks. Thanks, and have a great summer. I look forward to the return of prometheus when Roger and Kevin come back! Hi Policy Wonks and Wonk-abees :)

While taking a break from policy minutia this summer, feel free to stroll over to my new blog, “Head in a Cloud”, at, for some scientific minutia about clouds. This blog will not feature the pseudo-daily posts like Rogers (more like once per week), but I hope to give coverage to breaking research in clouds and cloud/climate issues. Alot of the policy people won’t find many of the posts too interesting, but I would be interested to get feedback on one of my first posts, “What do we really need to know about clouds?”, which is sort of an open-ended question aimed at both science wonks and policy wonks. Thanks, and have a great summer. I look forward to the return of prometheus when Roger and Kevin come back!
