Comments on: Fun With Cherry Picking Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: The Post-Normal Times - Perspectives on Environmental Science and Policy Decisions The Post-Normal Times - Perspectives on Environmental Science and Policy Decisions Tue, 10 May 2005 16:17:20 +0000 <strong>Rules of the science & policy game</strong> A few weeks ago, Prometheus (aka, Roger Pielke) raised some good questions that beg for more discussion. In a nutshell, and in my own words, given that there is a vast peer-reviewed literature of Science & Technology Studies (STS) that... Rules of the science & policy game

A few weeks ago, Prometheus (aka, Roger Pielke) raised some good questions that beg for more discussion. In a nutshell, and in my own words, given that there is a vast peer-reviewed literature of Science & Technology Studies (STS) that…

By: MK MK Wed, 04 May 2005 17:42:13 +0000 Cherry picking is one thing. And yes everyone does it to one degree or another. But Mooney's last paragraph in the original post also talks about the change of wording to tone things down, make it seem less alarming. Maybe you can argue that's simply editor's prerogative, but taken all together I think it looks pretty bad. Cherry picking is one thing. And yes everyone does it to one degree or another. But Mooney’s last paragraph in the original post also talks about the change of wording to tone things down, make it seem less alarming. Maybe you can argue that’s simply editor’s prerogative, but taken all together I think it looks pretty bad.
