Comments on: William Proxmire is Alive and Well Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: stan stan Sat, 25 Oct 2008 23:34:53 +0000 Do you think all govt sponsored science research produces benefits which outweigh the costs (especially relative to other possible uses? Your politics are obvious from the post, but you seem to be arguing that all science research spending is appropriate (regardless). To change the topic slightly (as well as the political target), Obama and Ayers spent over 150 million on "education" groups in Chicago who were chosen for the purpose of advancing a radical agenda instead of advancing core education skills. Afterward, The Annenberg Challenge evaluated the use of their money (and the govt matching money) and considered it a complete failure. If someone criticized that spending, would you consider them to be against education spending? Do you think all govt sponsored science research produces benefits which outweigh the costs (especially relative to other possible uses? Your politics are obvious from the post, but you seem to be arguing that all science research spending is appropriate (regardless).

To change the topic slightly (as well as the political target), Obama and Ayers spent over 150 million on “education” groups in Chicago who were chosen for the purpose of advancing a radical agenda instead of advancing core education skills. Afterward, The Annenberg Challenge evaluated the use of their money (and the govt matching money) and considered it a complete failure. If someone criticized that spending, would you consider them to be against education spending?
