Comments on: New Publication Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: Dennis Dennis Wed, 18 May 2005 07:25:26 +0000 comment! It is quite possible we are setting are owen future trends of climates. example; the sun is constant. the deep freez of space is constant. and the world has its lybo of these constants. then to the aspect of whats out of controll in the factor. even more pavement tiles cement ect... the main builing blocks may have a purose too our perfect state of lymbo if so could be controlled if knowen! Mr. D Larson. comment!
It is quite possible we are setting are
owen future trends of climates.
the sun is constant.
the deep freez of space is constant.
and the world has its lybo of these constants.

then to the aspect of whats out of controll
in the factor. even more pavement tiles
cement ect… the main builing blocks
may have a purose too our perfect state of
lymbo if so could be controlled if knowen!

Mr. D Larson.
