Comments on: What’s a Cap-and-Trade For? Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: darwin darwin Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:07:15 +0000 So, we will go from derivatives supporting no-equity subprime mortgages to bring about universal homeownership to derivatives for hot air to make us energy independent? Brilliant! So, we will go from derivatives supporting no-equity subprime mortgages to bring about universal homeownership to derivatives for hot air to make us energy independent?

By: docpine docpine Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:39:09 +0000 People who believe in the principle of "simple solutions are best" are not enthusiasts. On the other hand the complexity of cap and trade will ensure the employment of a large group of interpreters, checkers, lawyers, etc. Perhaps this strategy is carefully addressing white collar unemployment. People who believe in the principle of “simple solutions are best” are not enthusiasts. On the other hand the complexity of cap and trade will ensure the employment of a large group of interpreters, checkers, lawyers, etc. Perhaps this strategy is carefully addressing white collar unemployment.

By: Maurice Garoutte Maurice Garoutte Tue, 10 Mar 2009 16:00:47 +0000 What’s a cap and trade for? The answer may come from examining: Who’s for a cap and trade? AGW believers who also believe the government position that the tax will cut down on CO2 emissions are for it. AGW believers who have critically examined the effect of the tax on global warming and on the economy are against it. Marxists who want to stick it to the big energy companies and re-distribute wealth are for it. Marxists who have figured out that the cost will be passed to everyone making the tax regressive are against it. Believers in big government who want to talk about soaking the rich while taxing everyone are for it. Believers in big government who want to keep the tax system regressive are against it. Capitalists are against it. Nationalists who want to take care of the USA first are against it. This list could go on way too long for a blog post but the point is that the cap and trade is not an amoral issue of science but a value based policy decision. Honest people with different values will have different positions. What’s a cap and trade for?

The answer may come from examining:
Who’s for a cap and trade?

AGW believers who also believe the government position that the tax will cut down on CO2 emissions are for it.

AGW believers who have critically examined the effect of the tax on global warming and on the economy are against it.

Marxists who want to stick it to the big energy companies and re-distribute wealth are for it.

Marxists who have figured out that the cost will be passed to everyone making the tax regressive are against it.

Believers in big government who want to talk about soaking the rich while taxing everyone are for it.

Believers in big government who want to keep the tax system regressive are against it.

Capitalists are against it.

Nationalists who want to take care of the USA first are against it.

This list could go on way too long for a blog post but the point is that the cap and trade is not an amoral issue of science but a value based policy decision. Honest people with different values will have different positions.
