Comments on: Another Recipe for Politicization of Science Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Wed, 08 Jun 2005 03:37:48 +0000 They noticed? There are already limits on instrumentation grants at NSF and for various large grants. It moves much of the politics inside each university rather than outside. The other strategy being used is screening preproposals a la DOD. It is a lot easier to read five pages than twenty. Part of this is driven by the new regulation eliminating cost sharing requirements. They noticed?

There are already limits on instrumentation grants at NSF and for various large grants. It moves much of the politics inside each university rather than outside. The other strategy being used is screening preproposals a la DOD. It is a lot easier to read five pages than twenty.

Part of this is driven by the new regulation eliminating cost sharing requirements.
