Comments on: Climate Policy Lessons from Around the World Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: Jim Clarke Jim Clarke Fri, 17 Oct 2008 15:12:13 +0000 "That is one of the reasons why I don’t think there will even be any meaningful global agreement on emissions cuts." Well put! Compassion and altruism are human qualities. Consequently, they are never found in politics or in politicians:-). The good news is that 'doing nothing' on carbon mitigation schemes will likely turn out to be the best thing for the biosphere in general and humans in particular, as the reality of global cooling gradually wins converts. “That is one of the reasons why I don’t think there will even be any meaningful global agreement on emissions cuts.”

Well put! Compassion and altruism are human qualities. Consequently, they are never found in politics or in politicians:-).

The good news is that ‘doing nothing’ on carbon mitigation schemes will likely turn out to be the best thing for the biosphere in general and humans in particular, as the reality of global cooling gradually wins converts.

By: Raven Raven Thu, 16 Oct 2008 21:16:46 +0000 Sylvain, I think it depends on the province. In Quebec the GreenShift was likely a non-issue because Quebec already gets most of its electricity from hydro power. This meant that Quebequers could look forward to lower taxes without significant increases in energy costs. This is not true for other provinces - particularily in the West which relies on coal and oil. I know the GreenShift was one of the major reasons for the Liberal losses in BC and suspect it was a significant factor in Ontario. Any national GHGs policy in a geographically diverse country like Canada will create regional winners and losers and that will exacerbate the regional tensions that already exist. I suspect similar issues are affecting the EU negotiations. It is no coincidence that the only countries who have successfully introduced GHGs policies are small and homogenous. That is one of the reasons why I don't think there will even be any meaningful global agreement on emissions cuts. Sylvain,

I think it depends on the province. In Quebec the GreenShift was likely a non-issue because Quebec already gets most of its electricity from hydro power. This meant that Quebequers could look forward to lower taxes without significant increases in energy costs. This is not true for other provinces – particularily in the West which relies on coal and oil.

I know the GreenShift was one of the major reasons for the Liberal losses in BC and suspect it was a significant factor in Ontario.

Any national GHGs policy in a geographically diverse country like Canada will create regional winners and losers and that will exacerbate the regional tensions that already exist. I suspect similar issues are affecting the EU negotiations. It is no coincidence that the only countries who have successfully introduced GHGs policies are small and homogenous.

That is one of the reasons why I don’t think there will even be any meaningful global agreement on emissions cuts.

By: Sylvain Sylvain Thu, 16 Oct 2008 18:49:39 +0000 I would not go so fast in putting the cause of the Liberal party derailment on their green plan. After, it has been just 2 years since they were found to be heading the worst politic corruption scam in Canadian history. It is surprising that they were still able to get one representative elected. I guess they can thank the circumscription that never realized that they had the choice to cast their vote for someone else. The Liberal's green plan sure didn't gain them anything, but it didn't lose them anything either. I would not go so fast in putting the cause of the Liberal party derailment on their green plan.

After, it has been just 2 years since they were found to be heading the worst politic corruption scam in Canadian history. It is surprising that they were still able to get one representative elected. I guess they can thank the circumscription that never realized that they had the choice to cast their vote for someone else.

The Liberal’s green plan sure didn’t gain them anything, but it didn’t lose them anything either.

By: Celebrity Paycut - Encouraging celebrities all over the world to save us from global warming by taking a paycut. Celebrity Paycut - Encouraging celebrities all over the world to save us from global warming by taking a paycut. Thu, 16 Oct 2008 16:58:53 +0000 [...] By Breakthrough Senior Fellow Roger Pielke, jr., cross-posted from Prometheus [...] [...] By Breakthrough Senior Fellow Roger Pielke, jr., cross-posted from Prometheus [...]
