The Skeptical Environmentalist, by Bjorn Lomborg

Science of Science and innovation Policy

Policy Sciences 2011

The 2011 special issue of Policy Sciences includes papers for a workshop on the Reconciling the Supply of and Demand for Research in the Science of Science and Innovation Policy held in 2009 in Oslo, Norway. This workshop brought together academics, practitioners, and those with feet in both worlds to examine how science policy research does (or does not) support the information needs of science policy decision makers.

Special issue: Reconciling the supply of and demand for research in the science of science and innovation policy
Roger Pielke

Science, technology and innovation in a 21st century context
John H. Marburger

Scholarly science policy models and real policy, RSD for SciSIP in US Mission Agencies
Nathaniel Logar

John H. “Jack” Marburger 1941–2011
Roger Pielke

Whose knowledge? What values? The comparative politics of patenting life forms in the United States and Europe
Shobita Parthasarathy

Inequity in the distribution of science and technology outcomes: A conceptual model
Barry Bozeman, Catherine P. Slade and Paul Hirsch

Research institutes as hybrid organizations: Central challenges to their legitimacy
Magnus Gulbrandsen

Dimensions of innovation in a technology-intensive economy
John H. Marburger