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References for Table 2

The references for Table 2 were accidently deleted in the publication process. They are listed below:

Hurricanes Mitch, Joan, Francelia, Hattie, and Abby - from National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). 1999. "Mitch: The Deadliest Atlantic Hurricane Since 1780.

Hurricanes Hugo, Eloise - from Rodriguez, H., 1997, "A socioeconomic analysis of hurricanes in Puerto Rico: An overview of disaster mitigation and preparedness." Hurricanes: Climate and socioeconomic impacts. H.F. Diaz and R.S. Pulwarty, eds., Springer, Berlin, 121-143.

Hurricanes Allen, Claudette, David, Kendra, and Carmen - National Climatic Center, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1980, Climatological Data, National Summary. NOAA, Asheville, NC.

Hurricane Luis - National Hurricane Center Preliminary Reports, 1996, Hurricane Luis.

Hurricane Marilyn - National Hurricane Center Preliminary Reports, 1996, Hurricane Marilyn.

Hurricane Georges - National Hurricane Center Preliminary Reports, 1999, Hurricane Georges.