Netra Chhetri

Netra Chhetri

Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes
Arizona State University, Social Sciences Building #204
PO Box 874401
Tempe, AZ 85287-4401

Tel: 480-727-8787
Fax: 480-727-8791


Netra holds a joint appointment with the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes (CSPO) and with ASU’s School of Geographical Sciences (SGeos). He also is a faculty associate for the Ph.D. programs in Environmental Social Science and Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology as well as an Honors Disciplinary Faculty with the Barrett Honors College at ASU. Presently, he is a fellow of the Natural Research Institute at the University of Greenwich in London. He was a recipient of the Young Scientists Summer Program of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria in 2006. Netra returned to academics after more than a decade of working for governmental and non-governmental organizations in developing countries. Netra is one of the founding members of Nepal Participatory Action Network, an institution with members from leading development organizations practicing and promoting participatory learning for sustainable development. In the Third Assessment Report (TAR) of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he was involved in the review and synthesis of literature on the impacts of climate change in agriculture. In IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report, he is a contributing author on the small-holder agricultural systems and the possibility of adaptation to climate variability and change.

Research Interests
Rooted broadly in the nature-society realm of geographic inquiry, Netra’s research advances scholarship on human dimensions of climate change through the understanding of how a society’s adaptive capacity to climate variability and change is shaped by the geographical region’s social, political, institutional and biophysical contexts. His research interest in the nature-society intersection of geography is the result of his long-term commitment to interdisciplinary scholarship and over a decade’s experience in natural resource management and capacity building with community and policy makers in South Asia, largely in Nepal and India. Much of Netra’s research is guided by his desire to bring together research methods and theories from resource economics, political ecology, and natural hazards. In his scholarship, Netra strives to provide new perspectives in research conduct and ways of integrating research findings into attaining socially desirable policy outcomes. The international scope of Netra’s research is aligned with ASU’s emphasis on “global engagement” through creative endeavor and collaborative research. In his joint professorship, equally split between CSPO and SGeoS, Netra strives to fully integrate geographic inquiry into science and technology policy and vice versa in all matters of academic pursuit.

Please visit Netra's homepage at Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes.