Ryan Meyer

Ryan Meyer

Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes
PO Box 874401
Tempe, AZ 85287-4401

Tel: 480-727-0744
Fax: 480-727-8791


Ryan studies the relationships between social problems and scientific research agendas. This touches on issues of philosophy, epistemology, policy and management through questions such as: What kinds of social benefit can we reasonably expect from scientific research? How do managers approach the task of deciding what research to fund? How do particular types of research gain importance and influence in academic and policy circles?

Ryan is a doctoral candidate in ASU's School of Life Sciences. His dissertation research has focused on federal climate science—in particular decision making by program managers in 13 different United States science agencies that disburse and manage funds for research on global change. In the '09-'10 academic year, he is continuing this research in Australia through a Fulbright Scholarship, during which he will work with colleagues at the University of Melbourne, and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.

Please visit Ryan's homepage at Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes.