The Flatirons Outdoor Classroom Curricular Workshop ‘Seeing Science through Multiple Lens’ June 23-26, 2003
Monday, June 23 Location: Flatirons Elementary OC
8:30: coffee and donuts
9:00: introductions all around
9:10: Overview: the Idea of the Outdoor Classroom; Workshop Themes: Mark Sparn, BVSD, Bob Frodeman, CU
10:00: Mark Sparn: “activity” introducing OC (w/ Kelly Armitage)
10:45: Break
11:00: Summary of work plan & deliverables: Brooke Smith, BVSD; Marianne Weingroff, Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)
Noon: lunch (on your own)
12:30: Hydro-geology, Bob Reynolds, Denver Museum for Nature and Science (DMNS)
2:30: Curriculum development—break up into teams, Marianne and Brooke, supervising
3:00: break for the day
Tuesday, June 24 Location: DMNS
8:15: leave Flatirons, carpool to DMNS
9:00: Hydro-geology: Bob Reynolds, DMNS
10:00: Break
10:15: Hydrology: Curry Rosato, City of Boulder
Noon: lunch—at DMNS cafeteria
1:00: Science and values: Bob Frodeman, CU
1:30: Curriculum development/team discussion, Brooke Smith and Marianne Weingroff
3:00 pm: Break for the day
Wednesday, June 25 Location: DMNS
8:15: leave Flatirons for DMNS
9:00: free time within museum
Field Biology: Rob Ramey, DMNS (meet in DMNS classroom)
10:00: Break
10:15: Rob Ramey, cont’d
Noon: lunch—at DMNS cafeteria
12:30: Curriculum development/team discussion (BS and MW supervise)
1:30: Interdisciplinary environmental education, Bob Frodeman, CU
2:00: 2-5 minute summations by each participant
3:00: Break for the day
Thursday, June 26 Location: Sombrero Marsh Environmental Education Center
8:30: coffee and donuts
9:00: Science Policy: Martyn Clark, CU
10:00: Break
10:15: Martyn Clark, cont’d
11:00: discussion
Noon: lunch
12:30: Activities report from participants, 10-15 min each
2:30: Concluding remarks; discussion of timeline for deliverables for August 6 meeting. Create listserve? Other possible meetings?