Workshop Overview
To date, little attention has been paid to the connections between the meteorological research community and the research needs of the private sector. To begin to stimulate a dialogue on the connection of weather research to the private sector, the U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP) organized a workshop in December 2000 to bring together weather researchers from academia and representatives of private sector meteorology to discuss needs, wants, opportunities, and challenges, and how to enhance the linkages between the two relatively detached communities. Questions addressed at the workshop include the following:
- What research is needed and desired by private sector meteorologists?
- What are the current scientific priorities of the research community?
- How are the previous two questions related? How can the relationship improve?
- How can the "basic" research community of physical and social scientists better support private sector meteorology?
- How can research findings become more rapidly "infused" into practical products?
- How can concerns of end users become more effectively integrated with the research process via private sector meteorology?