Upcoming Events
September 30, 2020 The most recent murders of Black people in United States have created a nationwide call for justice in nearly every pocket of society, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) is no exception. Institutionalized racism within STEM education, research, and culture has created and prolonged a system in which people of color are alienated and placed at significant disadvantages in obtaining degrees, training, and careers in these fields. The 2020 campaigns of #ShutDownSTEM and #NoTimeForSilence have demanded attention from the STEM community. The Colorado Local Science Engagement Network (CO-LSEN) plans to advance these movements through public dialogue, network strengthening, and action. On Wednesday, September 30, 2020 via Zoom, CO-LSEN will host A Discussion on Institutional Racism in STEM featuring a panel of local and national experts and policymakers. The panel discussion aims to:
The event will be split into two segments, focusing on challenges of institutional racism on the national level, followed by these same challenges at the Colorado state level. Speakers include:
Past Events
March 23, 2020 Western Colorado University