Comments on: Buying Time Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: TokyoTom TokyoTom Tue, 04 Nov 2008 04:55:30 +0000 Roger, I would think that a more defendable position is that countries will be willing to incur significant DOMESTIC pain for carbon dioxide reductions will occur only if trading partners agree to share to the pain. Technology did not precede all purely domestic environmental protection laws; the difference here is that the tragedy of the commons involved is one that can't be solved by any country acting alone. Roger, I would think that a more defendable position is that countries will be willing to incur significant DOMESTIC pain for carbon dioxide reductions will occur only if trading partners agree to share to the pain.

Technology did not precede all purely domestic environmental protection laws; the difference here is that the tragedy of the commons involved is one that can’t be solved by any country acting alone.

By: Celebrity Paycut - Encouraging celebrities all over the world to save us from global warming by taking a paycut. Celebrity Paycut - Encouraging celebrities all over the world to save us from global warming by taking a paycut. Mon, 03 Nov 2008 18:33:10 +0000 [...] Cross posted from Prometheus [...] [...] Cross posted from Prometheus [...]

By: lucia lucia Mon, 03 Nov 2008 16:13:56 +0000 Bloated inventories? Driving around here, I see loads of SUV's car lots. While these gas guzzlers are clogging lots, car dealers aren't going to have room to buy and display other cars. This means no matter what gas costs, these vehicles will be sold to someone. The prices may end up low-- but at some price, the cost savings at purchase will pay for a lot of gas. The vehicles will be driven by some owner until their useful life is ended. Out of curiosity, how is the credit crunch affecting construction of power plants to replace coal fired plants? Bloated inventories? Driving around here, I see loads of SUV’s car lots. While these gas guzzlers are clogging lots, car dealers aren’t going to have room to buy and display other cars. This means no matter what gas costs, these vehicles will be sold to someone. The prices may end up low– but at some price, the cost savings at purchase will pay for a lot of gas.

The vehicles will be driven by some owner until their useful life is ended.

Out of curiosity, how is the credit crunch affecting construction of power plants to replace coal fired plants?
