Comments on: Roger Pielke, Sr. Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: Dylan Otto Krider Dylan Otto Krider Wed, 24 Aug 2005 22:04:11 +0000 Thanks for this. I read that the other day and was wondering what was up. I usually play a game with "skeptics", which is to ask them to name a climate scientist publishing research in peer-reviewed journals who doesn't believe in anthropogenic warming. The most common answers who actually turn out to be practicing scientists are 1) Patrick Michaels, 2) Lindzen or 3) either Pielke. Lindzen testified before Congress antrhopogenic warming is occurring, and Michaels has said the same in interviews, and from this it looks like the same is true of the Pielkes. I have basically come up with five "non-starters" for debate. You must believe: 1) Humans evolved. 2) Human activity contributes to climate change. 3) We have not found any WMD stockpiles in Iraq. 4) Humans built the pyramids. 5) No celebrity has ever checked themselves into the Betty Ford clinic for addiction to backpain medication. If you don't accept any of these things, you're too blinded to bother arguing with, unless it's purely for my own amusement. I have some home schooling brochures to send you - good luck on becoming the new Amish. So, until we dig up a UFO in Egypt or some Nuke in Bagdhad, that's pretty much where I'm at. If you're with me on those things, I'm willing to have a nice conversation about domorcatizing the Middle East, Kyoto, anything you want (although, as a product of the Flamewar generation, I still reserve the right to engage in strawmen, hyperbole or Nazi analogies as the mood strikes me). Thanks for this. I read that the other day and was wondering what was up.

I usually play a game with “skeptics”, which is to ask them to name a climate scientist publishing research in peer-reviewed journals who doesn’t believe in anthropogenic warming. The most common answers who actually turn out to be practicing scientists are 1) Patrick Michaels, 2) Lindzen or 3) either Pielke. Lindzen testified before Congress antrhopogenic warming is occurring, and Michaels has said the same in interviews, and from this it looks like the same is true of the Pielkes.

I have basically come up with five “non-starters” for debate. You must believe:

1) Humans evolved.
2) Human activity contributes to climate change.
3) We have not found any WMD stockpiles in Iraq.
4) Humans built the pyramids.
5) No celebrity has ever checked themselves into the Betty Ford clinic for addiction to backpain medication.

If you don’t accept any of these things, you’re too blinded to bother arguing with, unless it’s purely for my own amusement. I have some home schooling brochures to send you – good luck on becoming the new Amish.

So, until we dig up a UFO in Egypt or some Nuke in Bagdhad, that’s pretty much where I’m at. If you’re with me on those things, I’m willing to have a nice conversation about domorcatizing the Middle East, Kyoto, anything you want (although, as a product of the Flamewar generation, I still reserve the right to engage in strawmen, hyperbole or Nazi analogies as the mood strikes me).
