Comments on: How Not to Embed Scientists in the Military? Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: David Bruggeman David Bruggeman Wed, 08 Apr 2009 16:36:12 +0000 So it's not enough for a field to have hypothesis, experiment and theory to be a science? Both sociology and anthropology do the same thing for humans as studying the breeding habits of central asian lizards. How are they not science? So it’s not enough for a field to have hypothesis, experiment and theory to be a science?

Both sociology and anthropology do the same thing for humans as studying the breeding habits of central asian lizards. How are they not science?

By: Jon Frum Jon Frum Wed, 08 Apr 2009 14:25:21 +0000 When I was in grad school, someone told me "There is no science in social science." Yep, true enough. I understand granting the name social science through tradition, but unless someone travelling with the military is studying the breeding habits of central asian lizards or setting up a particle collider in Kabul, there are no American scientists in Afghanistan. Cultural scholars, sure. Scientists, not a chance. When I was in grad school, someone told me “There is no science in social science.” Yep, true enough. I understand granting the name social science through tradition, but unless someone travelling with the military is studying the breeding habits of central asian lizards or setting up a particle collider in Kabul, there are no American scientists in Afghanistan. Cultural scholars, sure. Scientists, not a chance.

By: stan stan Tue, 07 Apr 2009 12:14:47 +0000 "Now, there has been general criticism of this program, just like there has of the wars in which it has been deployed." As opposed to all those wars which were never subjected to criticism? “Now, there has been general criticism of this program, just like there has of the wars in which it has been deployed.”

As opposed to all those wars which were never subjected to criticism?
