Comments on: The Carbon-Free Energy Gap Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: Oliver Morton Oliver Morton Fri, 05 Sep 2008 11:03:57 +0000 Jos @1: The piece Roger kindly alludes to was specifically about electricity generation, not primary energy consumption. Which doesn't make his conclusion wrong in any way, but explains why we didn't look at modalities such as the one you mention Jos @1: The piece Roger kindly alludes to was specifically about electricity generation, not primary energy consumption. Which doesn’t make his conclusion wrong in any way, but explains why we didn’t look at modalities such as the one you mention

By: Jos Jos Tue, 02 Sep 2008 08:03:20 +0000 Roger, There are surely more alternative energy sources than mentioned in the article. For example, the one that came to my mind is the underground storage of summer heat and winter cold, which is a technology that is already available. Furthermore, keep in mind that all these mentioned and unmentioned alternatives still modify climate in various non-greenhouse-effect ways as to some extent noted in the Nature paper, and that this impact will grow if the growing energy demands continue to be met. Jos. Roger,

There are surely more alternative energy sources than mentioned in the article. For example, the one that came to my mind is the underground storage of summer heat and winter cold, which is a technology that is already available.

Furthermore, keep in mind that all these mentioned and unmentioned alternatives still modify climate in various non-greenhouse-effect ways as to some extent noted in the Nature paper, and that this impact will grow if the growing energy demands continue to be met.

