Comments on: Letter from Boehlert to Barton Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: Henry Molvar Henry Molvar Mon, 18 Jul 2005 21:05:36 +0000 This letter may turn out to be unfortunate for those who would enlighten the public to the facts of global warming and the threat that global warming poses to them. Typically, a response to a Congressional investigative request imposes an obligation on the requesting party to take the response seriously and follow through in a responsible manner. Dr. Mann's response was very clear, truthful and to the point; an excellent response! I hope that this letter to The Honorable Joe Barton doesn't have the effect of letting him off the hook. This letter may turn out to be unfortunate for those who would enlighten the public to the facts of global warming and the threat that global warming poses to them.
Typically, a response to a Congressional investigative request imposes an obligation on the requesting party to take the response seriously and follow through in a responsible manner. Dr. Mann’s response was very clear, truthful and to the point; an excellent response! I hope that this letter to The Honorable Joe Barton doesn’t have the effect of letting him off the hook.
