Comments on: Hiding Behind the Science of Stem Cells Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: Eli Rabett Eli Rabett Mon, 30 May 2005 02:35:56 +0000 The problem is that the radical right (they are in no way conservative) is hiding behind something that sounds like science on most of of these issues, while declaiming that good (if not excellent) science is junk. I probably should name a few problem here: stem cell therapy, smoking, second hand smoke, climate change, evolution, CFCs/ozone, etc. On the other side (although not so much red as green) nuclear power, chlorine, etc. The real junk science is the crud intelligently designed to challenge the good science. Stuff th at sounds plausible on the surface if you don't know much about the situation. Moreover you cannot separate the polemics from the amplifiers that proclaim it (AEI, CATO, SEPP, Tech Central Station, Greenpeace, etc.) The problem is that the radical right (they are in no way conservative) is hiding behind something that sounds like science on most of of these issues, while declaiming that good (if not excellent) science is junk.

I probably should name a few problem here: stem cell therapy, smoking, second hand smoke, climate change, evolution, CFCs/ozone, etc.

On the other side (although not so much red as green) nuclear power, chlorine, etc.

The real junk science is the crud intelligently designed to challenge the good science. Stuff th at sounds plausible on the surface if you don’t know much about the situation. Moreover you cannot separate the polemics from the amplifiers that proclaim it (AEI, CATO, SEPP, Tech Central Station, Greenpeace, etc.)
