Comments on: Obama vs. IPCC Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: stan stan Mon, 02 Feb 2009 22:01:20 +0000 I think Pachauri does a great job of leading the IPCC. He is very good representative of what the IPCC is. I think Pachauri does a great job of leading the IPCC. He is very good representative of what the IPCC is.

By: BRIANMFLYNN BRIANMFLYNN Mon, 02 Feb 2009 19:23:54 +0000 For Pachauri - mitigation for developed countries, adaption without mitigation for developing countries (to include India). By his comments from time to time, Pachauri has shown himself to be little more than a shill for the Indian government and he should step down from his position as IPCC head. Obama should recognize Pachauri's conflict of interest which appears patently clear. For Pachauri – mitigation for developed countries, adaption without mitigation for developing countries (to include India).

By his comments from time to time, Pachauri has shown himself to be little more than a shill for the Indian government and he should step down from his position as IPCC head. Obama should recognize Pachauri’s conflict of interest which appears patently clear.

By: jae jae Mon, 02 Feb 2009 17:03:50 +0000 LOL. I'm glad to see BO becoming less idealistic by the moment. Sounds a little like the Bush Administration's position, no? :) And what a contrast you portray here between someone who is actually responsible for people's livelihoods and a blathering bureaucrat who has no common sense and is not held responsible for anything at all. LOL. I’m glad to see BO becoming less idealistic by the moment. Sounds a little like the Bush Administration’s position, no? :) And what a contrast you portray here between someone who is actually responsible for people’s livelihoods and a blathering bureaucrat who has no common sense and is not held responsible for anything at all.
