Comments on: Abstaining on evolution Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: Daniel Collins Daniel Collins Wed, 29 Jun 2005 03:48:24 +0000 I agree with you here. An example I recently heard was the claim that the use of cosine vs sine in calculating incident radiation as a fn of lat is completely arbitrary. More proof won't help, but better communication could go a long way. And I feel that the other scientists you suggest should take heed include climate scientists, and if so I also agree. I agree with you here. An example I recently heard was the claim that the use of cosine vs sine in calculating incident radiation as a fn of lat is completely arbitrary. More proof won’t help, but better communication could go a long way. And I feel that the other scientists you suggest should take heed include climate scientists, and if so I also agree.

By: Mark Bahner Mark Bahner Thu, 23 Jun 2005 21:36:35 +0000 "The lesson to be taken from this might be that some debates, even some with considerable scientific content, may not be on issues where more scientific evidence or better explanation of the science will help policy formulation." Isn't the appropriate policy to teach science in science classes? If that's the appropriate policy, how can it not help to provide "more scientific evidence or better explanation of the science?" Scientists need to explain that there is absolutely no conflict between science and a belief in an Intelligent Designer. In contrast, there IS a huge conflict between science and: a) The idea that the earth is ~6000 years old, b) The idea that dinosaurs and humans co-existed, c) The idea that all life on earth is descended from the occupants of a large boat, etc. etc. etc. “The lesson to be taken from this might be that some debates, even some with considerable scientific content, may not be on issues where more scientific evidence or better explanation of the science will help policy formulation.”

Isn’t the appropriate policy to teach science in science classes?

If that’s the appropriate policy, how can it not help to provide “more scientific evidence or better explanation of the science?”

Scientists need to explain that there is absolutely no conflict between science and a belief in an Intelligent Designer.

In contrast, there IS a huge conflict between science and:

a) The idea that the earth is ~6000 years old,

b) The idea that dinosaurs and humans co-existed,

c) The idea that all life on earth is descended from the occupants of a large boat,

etc. etc. etc.
