Comments on: What’s the USDA’s Responsibility for Health and Nutrition? Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: bend bend Sat, 10 Jan 2009 21:20:01 +0000 Is it prudent that an agency should have obligations to parties of competing interests. I understand that such circumstances are not rare, but I don't see the wisdom in it. You could consider this analogous to a criminal trial where the accused is prosecuted and defended by the district attorney. The department of agriculture was established to promote American farming and ranching. Whether such promotion is the place of federal government is a different question. If we feel our nutrition should be overseen by the executive branch, perhaps it's a more appropriate fit with Health and Human Services. For my part, if I'm intent on killing myself with siera mist and oreos, I don't want any arm of the state to get in my way. On the other hand, to the extent that I and my fellow Americans choose to eat more health-consciously, farmers will respond. Maybe they'll finally start growing arugula in Iowa. Is it prudent that an agency should have obligations to parties of competing interests. I understand that such circumstances are not rare, but I don’t see the wisdom in it. You could consider this analogous to a criminal trial where the accused is prosecuted and defended by the district attorney.
The department of agriculture was established to promote American farming and ranching. Whether such promotion is the place of federal government is a different question. If we feel our nutrition should be overseen by the executive branch, perhaps it’s a more appropriate fit with Health and Human Services.
For my part, if I’m intent on killing myself with siera mist and oreos, I don’t want any arm of the state to get in my way. On the other hand, to the extent that I and my fellow Americans choose to eat more health-consciously, farmers will respond. Maybe they’ll finally start growing arugula in Iowa.

By: tarpon tarpon Sat, 10 Jan 2009 12:59:46 +0000 CSPI is better referred to as a couple of crackpots working out of their grarage to support liberals odd view of the world. CSPI is better referred to as a couple of crackpots working out of their grarage to support liberals odd view of the world.
