Comments on: Science Progress and “Progressive Science Policy” Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:36:51 -0600 hourly 1 By: stan stan Sun, 19 Oct 2008 19:45:42 +0000 Science is about the search for truth. Politics is about who gets to use power (i.e. force - the threat of violence) in society. This outfit isn't about the search for truth, especially when so many adherents of its politics reject the concept of truth. This is about trying to use "science" in an effort to secure more political power. Science is about the search for truth. Politics is about who gets to use power (i.e. force – the threat of violence) in society.

This outfit isn’t about the search for truth, especially when so many adherents of its politics reject the concept of truth. This is about trying to use “science” in an effort to secure more political power.
