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Policy, Politics, and Science in the White House
Library Advisors Webcasts  
Image of American Flag, White House, and Presidential Seal

February 14, 2005 - Dr. John Marburger public lecture
Science Advisor to President George W. Bush 2001 - present



April 18, 2005 - Dr. Robert Palmer public lecture
Democratic Staff Director of the Committee on Science 1993-2004



April 28, 2005 - Dr. John Gibbons public lecture
Science Advisor to President Bill Clinton 1993-1998


September 12, 2005 - Dr. Edward David public lecture
Science Advisor to President Richard Nixon 1970-1973


October 5, 2005 - Dr. Neal Lane public lecture
Science Advisor to President Bill Clinton 1998-2001



October 24, 2005 - Dr. Donald Hornig public lecture
Science Advisor to President Lyndon Johnson 1964-1969


January 31, 2006 - Dr. George Keyworth public lecture
Science Advisor to President Ronald Reagan 1981 - 1986



January 31, 2006 - Dr. George Keyworth "Colorado and Company" interview
Science Advisor to President Ronald Reagan 1981-1986