Extreme Weather Sourcebook 2001


The Extreme Weather Sourcebook 2001 Edition was created at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in the Environmental and Societal Impacts Group in partnership with the Atmospheric Policy Program of the American Meteorological Society. At NCAR, a number of people contributed: Mary Downton, Baat Enosh, Angel Guitierrez, Roberta Klein, Miles Mercer, Zoe Miller, Jennifer Oxelson, and Roger Pielke, Jr. In addition, Stan Changnon, Chris Landsea, Harold Brooks, Chuck Doswell, E. Brian Curran, Ron Holle, William Hooke, and Raul Lopez contributed significantly, in some cases directly, and in others through their published work. The Sourcebook was reviewed by Stan Changnon, Mary Downton, Chuck Doswell, Ron Holle, Chris Landsea, Neal Lott, and Zoe Miller. Support for the Sourcebook was provided by the U.S. Weather Research Program, the National Science Foundation, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Global Programs (under grant N96AGPO451). Scott Stephens, Sam McCown and Stuart Hinson of the National Climatic Data Center contributed extremely valuable knowledge and expertise.
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