Science, Technology and Decision Making Symposium

The Center hosted an all-day symposium on Science, Technology, and Decision Making at the CIRES Auditorium on February 25, 2005. The symposium featured presentations by graduate students and faculty members about science and technology policy-related activities at the Center and on the CU campus.


Striking Back! Protecting Spectators from Lightning in Large Stadiums
Changing the Climate on Climate
Does Water Flow towards Money or Downhill? Lessons from the Western Water Assessment
Assessing the Effectiveness of Lawn Watering Restrictions During the Drought of 2002
Transfer of Streamflow Forecasting Methods from the Research Community to Operational Agencies: Lessons Learned
Climate Change and Regional Heat waves: Policy Implications
One-Stop Shopping for Usable Science: The Case of Climate Information
Incorporating Large-Scale Climate Information in Water Resources Decision Making
Science and Security in the Age of Bioterrorism
Decision Structures for the New Nuclear Era
The Impact of Frequency Agile Radio Communications on Spectrum Policy
Implications of Go-as-You-Pay for the Bush Space Vision
Presidential Science Advisor Lecture Series
Journalism Values vs. Science Values: an uneasy match
Beyond the Linear Model: Introducing “Pasteur’s Quadrant”
In Search of Pasteur’s Quadrant:  Opportunities and Barriers in Incorporating Considerations of Use in Carbon Cycle Science Research