Roger Pielke, Jr. speaking at Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

April 17, 2012

On April 17, Roger Pielke, Jr. will be speaking at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities on "Lessons from 50 Years of Science Advice to the US President".

More than ever, decision making in governments around the world depends upon expert advice. In areas such as energy policy, agricultural production, climate change and even economics, health and the military, policy makers depend upon experts to inform policy making. At the same time, many of these same issues are debated among the public and in the media, often passionately and politically. How might modern governments best utilize expert advice in policy making while at the same time respecting the authority of democratic processes? This talk will draw on more than 50 years of experience of science advice to the US president to illustrate the challenges and opportunities for the effective use of experts in democratic decision making. Policy makers and experts each face important choices in how they relate to one another, with effective policy and politics the ultimate stakes.

More Information.