Roger Pielke, Jr. to Serve as Next Director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research

June 3, 2013

Roger Pielke, Jr. will serve as the next Director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, which sits within CIRES at the University of Colorado-Boulder, starting September 1.  Professor William (Bill) Travis, who served as Director for the past 5 years, will be ending his term after overseeing strong growth in Center research and personnel.

Roger returns to the position, which he previous served in from 2001-2007. He is also the founding director of the Center.  The CIRES Policy Center has a staff of 31 including 6 resident faculty members who conduct a wide array of research on issues where science and technology meet policy, with a particular emphasis on environmental issues. The Center also boasts 24 faculty affiliates from CU-Boulder and other universities. The Center hosts the university’s Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology Policy.

During his upcoming term as director Pielke expects to see substantial growth in the Center’s activities. “There is no shortage of intellectually interesting and relevant topics in science and technology policy,” he said, “The production of credible, expert work is always in demand and we have a really strong track record of delivering quality products that meet criteria of academic excellence and also practical utility.” Pielke says that he hopes to focus more attention on fundraising, now that the Center has demonstrated a continued record of excellence, building on Professor Travis's impressive record as Director.

Roger has been on the faculty of the University of Colorado since 2001 and is a Professor in the Environmental Studies Program and a Fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES).  His research focuses on science, innovation and politics as well as the governance of sports organizations.  Roger holds degrees in mathematics, public policy and political science from the University of Colorado. Roger has received several awards and honors including an honorary doctorate from Linköping University in Sweden, the Public Service Award of the Geological Society of America, and the Eduard Brückner Prize for outstanding achievement in interdisciplinary climate research.  He is also author, co-author or co-editor of seven books, including The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics (2007) and The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won't Tell you About Global Warming (2010). He is currently working on the second edition of The Honest Broker.  In addition to authoring numerous journal articles and commentaries, Roger blogs at Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog and The Least Thing blog, and writes periodic columns for Bridges and The Breakthrough Institute.