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Ogmius Newsletter

Zambia Red Cross employees participate in a climate meet-up. Photo: Bettina Koelle.

Zambia Red Cross employees participate in a climate meet-up. Photo: Bettina Koelle.

Ogmius exchange

CSTPR’S Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre Internship Program is featured in this issue of Ogmius. Now in its second year, the program seeks to improve climate change communication and adaptation decision-making in response to climate variability and change within the humanitarian sector. It connects humanitarian practitioners from the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre, an affiliate of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, with science-policy graduate student researchers at the University of Colorado through placements in IFRC regional field offices in Southern and East Africa for approximately 3 months each summer. Leslie Dodson and Drew Zachary, the 2014 interns, discuss their internships:

Playing climate games at the Future Climate for Africa workshop in Lusaka. Photo: B. Koelle. Promoting Climate Understanding and Adaptation: A Role for Serious Games and Effective Communication Technology
by Leslie Dodson
Drew Zackary in Karimoja.  Photo: Emmanual Akol. Climate Change Adaptation: Early-Warning Forecasting in Northern Uganda - Summer 2014
by Drew Zackary