New Publication

May 6th, 2005

Posted by: Roger Pielke, Jr.

Bobbie Klein and I have a new paper out. The paper suggests that the impacts of hurricanes/tropical storms is somewhat greater than conventionally accounted for, when inland flooding is considered in addition to coastal damages.

Here is the abstract:

“Abstract: A problem exists in that the classifications used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for weather-related disasters do not always allow analysts to clearly link declared disasters to their ultimate meteorological cause. This research focuses on those disasters related to flooding resulting from tropical cyclones. Neither FEMA nor the states that request federal disaster aid distinguish flood disasters by their meteorological origin, making it difficult to assess the contributions of various meteorological phenomena to the incidence and severity of Presidential Disaster Declarations. The data presented in this initial analysis indicate that the flood-related impacts of tropical systems are considerably broader and undoubtedly larger in economic magnitude than documented in the official records kept by FEMA.”

The whole paper is here.

One Response to “New Publication”

  1. Dennis Says:

    It is quite possible we are setting are
    owen future trends of climates.
    the sun is constant.
    the deep freez of space is constant.
    and the world has its lybo of these constants.

    then to the aspect of whats out of controll
    in the factor. even more pavement tiles
    cement ect… the main builing blocks
    may have a purose too our perfect state of
    lymbo if so could be controlled if knowen!

    Mr. D Larson.