Opinion on Cap and Trade in Formiche

April 1st, 2009

Posted by: Roger Pielke, Jr.

I have a short essay in the Italian journal/magazine Formiche on the challenges facing successful implementation of efforts to use carbon pricing — such as in a cap and trade regime — as the primary policy tool to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The Italian version can be found here (PDF) and the original English here (PDF). In short, I think that such policies are doomed to fail.

Here is an excerpt:

Putting a price on carbon means that the costs of carbon-producing energy sources will increase. That is of course precisely the point. Cost increases will necessarily cause economic discomfort and perhaps some degree of pain among consumers of energy. Such discomfort and pain, the argument continues, will be the necessity that mothers the invention of carbon neutral energy sources which will then displace the carbon producing energy that we rely on today. This sounds wonderful, which is why it is the basis of recommendations found in august reports such as the Stern Review Report from the United Kingdom and those of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which last year shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore.

But as Thomas Henry Huxley once observed, our knowledge is littered with beautiful theories killed by inconvenient facts, and we should add to that list the notion of the emissions-reducing effectiveness of putting a price on carbon. This uncomfortable reality stems from the very fact that putting a price on carbon causes economic pain and discomfort to energy consumers, who also happen to be citizens and often, also voters. Politicians who want to continue in their jobs spend every waking hour trying to avoid economic discomfort or pain among their constituents, much less cause it intentionally. To think that politicians are going to willingly impose discomfort or pain on their constituents is fanciful at best.

More here in PDF. It was written last November soon after the election. If anyone is interesting in publishing an updated version in English, please contact me at pielke@colorado.edu.

One Response to “Opinion on Cap and Trade in Formiche”

  1. Sean_Wise Says:

    Stealth taxation is a tried and true method for the government to fund what it cannot afford to appropriate directly. Look at the cost of health care. Government consistently increased the mandates for what is provided under Medicare, very poorly manages payments for fraud, and then tries to stay in budget by paying a rate for services that does not even cover costs. It does however, allow the health care providers increase their overhead rates so that those still in the workforce (who are paying for Medicare already) gets socked for higher costs when they need health care. Its no wonder that virtually all the wage increases for the average middle class family went to health care premiums rather than into their pockets. If Congress was honest with the American people about what carbon dioxide abatement would cost them personally, they know they’d be thrown out in a heart beat. But by passing these costs off to a third party, they’ll be more than happy to stand in front of their constituencies and chastise the energy and fuel suppliers for all the grief that is caused. I think the slight of hand that is stealth taxation is an issue that needs to come to the forefront of the political discussion because its taking a bigger and bigger chunk out of the middle class family budget.