If You Want to Comment . . .

May 23rd, 2006

Posted by: Roger Pielke, Jr.

A reminder following several emails: If you want to comment you will need to register (click the link from the comment page).

The site remains unmoderated for registered users. We won’t be moderating comments from those who are unregistered.

4 Responses to “If You Want to Comment . . .”

  1. Steve Bloom Says:

    FYI, Roger, the “share email address” page didn’t come up when I commented using my Typekey identity yesterday. Others may have had the same problem.

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  3. Roger Pielke Jr. Says:

    Steve- Yes, that has happened to me. Apparently, on the comment page it is important to click on – “sign in” – in this statement under “Post a Comment”:

    If you have a TypeKey identity, you can sign in to use it here.

    If you are not signed in it will not automatically post your comment and send it to the spam bin with the spam comments that we get (literally) about every 30 seconds. If you are properly signed in, then the comment will be posted immediately.

    Thanks for your patience.

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  5. Roger Pielke, Jr. Says:

    Reminder- By posting comments here, we interpret this as an implicit agreement on the release of anonymity. Last warning.

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  7. Steve Bloom Says:

    Roger, I didn’t realize until just now that our email addresses are linked ro our comments (and so are available to all site visitors) in addition to being visible to you. I have to say that wasn’t entirely clear. Are you entirely certain that the addresses are immune to harvesting? I’m not personally worried about anonymity and I suppose I can handle the occasional nasty email from some skeptic I’ve offended (although this is the reason I generally don’t link my email address), but I do not care at all for spam.

    Also, it appears to be the case that the “keep me signed in for two weeks” option that can be checked when signing in to TypeKey doesn’t work, since it seems to be necessary to sign in anew (in order to post) prior to each visit here. Having to do so is a medium-small pain in the butt.