Understanding the Drivers of Adaptation at the Municipal Level in CO, WY and UT

Lisa DIlling

Lisa Dilling is co-leading this WWA-funded project to investigate why some local decision makers choose to adapt to climate-related stress and risk while others do not. Our idea is to systematically investigate the conditions under which local decision-makers in cities and large towns in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming decide to adapt (or not) to increased climate-related risk and hazards. The two-fold objective of the project is:

  1. to collect, organize, and analyze original data on the causes and consequences of local adaptation decision making
  2. to produce new knowledge that is relevant to the work of WWA and its key constituents


Dilling, L., E. Pizzi, J. Berggren, A. Ravikumar, and K. Andersson, 2017. Drivers of adaptation: Responses to weather- and climate-related hazards in 60 local governments in the Intermountain Western U.S.. Environment and Planning A 1-21, doi: 10.1177/0308518X16688686.