ENVS 5110
Science and Society: An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies

Course Texts

The following texts, which will be dealt with more or less completely, are recommended for purchase:

Sergio Sismondo. An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2005. ISBN 978-0631234449.

Bruno Latour. We Have Never Been Modern. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993. ISBN 978- 0674948394.

Sharon Traweek. Beamtimes and Lifetimes: The World of High Energy Physicists. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988. ISBN 978-0674063481.

Harry Collins. Are We All Scientific Experts Now? Maldenm MA: Polity Press, 2014.

Jean-Pierre Dupuy. The Mark of the Scared. Standford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013.

A singificant number of other texts will be available through the class web site.