Hurricane Camille References


Selected Bibliography on Hurricane Camille
  • Associated Press, 1969: Hurricane Camille is called most costly in U.S. history. The Sunday Star, November 16, A-24.

  • Black, R.H., 1970: Final Report - The Effects of Hurricane Camille on Industry, Public Utilities, and Public Works Operations. URS Research Company, San Mateo, California.

  • Canis, W.F. and W.J. Neal, 1985: Living with the Alabama-Mississippi Shore. Duke University Press, Durham, NC.

  • Committee on Public Works, 1967: Mississippi Coast: Letter from the Secretary of the Army Transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers submitting a report on an interim hurricane survey of the Mississippi Coast. Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office.

  • Criswell, M.E. and R.S. Cummins, 1970: Summary of Survey of Gulf Coast Structural Damage Resulting from Hurricane Camille. August 1969. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.

  • DeAngelis, R.M., 1969: Enter Camille. Weatherwise, 22(5), 173-179.

  • DeAngelis, R.M. and E.R. Nelson, 1969: Hurricane Camille-August 5-22. Climatological Data, National Summary, 20(8).

  • Dikkers, R.D., R.D. Marshall, and H.C.S. Thom, 1971: Hurricane Camille-August 1969. NBS Technical Note 569. Washington, DC.

  • ESSA (Environmental Science Services Administration), 1969: Storm data (August). 11(8).

  • ESSA (Environmental Science Services Administration), 1969: Hurricane Camille: August 14-22, 1969. (Preliminary Report). Weather Bureau, US Department of Commerce.

  • ESSA (Environmental Science Services Administration), 1969: Hurricane Camille-A Report to the Administrator. Washington, DC.

  • ESSA (Environmental Science Services Administration), 1969: The Virginia Floods, August 19-22, 1969: A Report to the Administrator. U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC.

  • ESSA (Environmental Science Services Administration), 1970: Selected Gale Observations. Mariners Weather Log, 14(1).

  • Godschalk, D.R., D.J. Brower, and T. Beatley, 1989: Mitigation after Camille, Frederic, and Alicia. In Catastrophic Coastal Storms, Duke University Press. Durham, NC.

  • Hamilton, R.C., and D.B. Steere, 1969: Covering Hurricane Camille, 17 August 1969. Ocean Data Gathering Program Report No. 2, Baylor Company, Houston, TX. Appendix E.

  • Hudson, J.W., 1970: Hurricane Camille Activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Mississippi. Proceedings - Mississippi Water Resources Conference, Water Resources Research Institute, Mississippi State University, State College, Mississippi.

  • Hull, A.R., 1977: Reexamination of Hurricane Camille. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data Service, 28, 11, I-18 - I -27.

  • Kinser, J., 1982: The coast of Mississippi: Its Past and Progress. Moran Publishing Co., Baton Rouge, LA.

  • Leyden, K., 1985: Recovery and Reconstruction after Hurricane Camille: Post Storm Hazard Mitigation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Hazard Mitigation Research Program, Report No. 85 -14, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

  • Massey, W., 1999: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region IV, Regional Hurricane Program Manager, personal communication on 4/23/99.

  • Metasystems, Inc, 1970: Mississippi Gulf Coast Comprehensive Development After Camille. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 329 pp.

  • Mississippi National Guard, 1969: After Action Report: Operation Camille. National Guard Bureau. Jackson, MS.

  • NIAC (National Industry Advisory Committee) and FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 1969: Hurricane Camille, August 17-21, 1969; summary report — effect on communications. Compiled by the NIAC and FCC. Washington, DC.

  • NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), 1977: Hurricane: the Greatest Storm on Earth. US Government Printing Office. Washington, DC.

  • OEP (Office of Emergency Preparedness), 1969: Hurricane Camille: Background information. Executive Office of the President.

  • OEP (Office of Emergency Preparedness), 1969: Hurricane Camille ..., 4 Months of Action. Executive Office of the President, Washington, DC.

  • Petak, W. J. and A. Atkisson, 1982: Natural Hazard Risk Assessment and Public Policy: Anticipating the Unexpected. Springer-Verlag, New York.

  • Roberts, N.C., 1969: The story of Extreme Hurricane Camille. Privately printed. New Orleans, LA.

  • Rohlfs, A. J. , 1969: Shipping and Hurricane Camille. Mariners Weather Log, 13(6), 245-251.

  • Sugg, A.R., 1967: Economic Aspects of Hurricanes. National Hurricane Center - Weather Bureau, Miami, FL.

  • Sullivan, C.L., 1986: Hurricanes of the Mississippi Coast, 1717 to Present. Gulf Publishing Company.

  • Thompson, H.J., 1969: The James River Flood of August 1969 in Virginia. Weatherwise, 22(5), 180-183.

  • USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers), 1970: Hurricane Camille 14-22 August 1969. Mobile, Alabama, May 1970. pp. 2, 65, 71, 74.

  • Wilkinson, K.P., and P.J. Ross, 1970: Citizen's Responses to Warnings of Hurricane Camille. Report 35, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University, State College, Mississippi.

  • Zornig, H.F, and G.E. Sherwood, 1969: Wood Structures Survive Hurricane Camille's Winds. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Research Paper, FPL 123,16 pp.




For more information, contact:
  • William (Bill) Massey
    FEMA Region 4
    Regional Hurricane Program Manager

  • Wilson (Wil) Shaffer
    National Weather Service - NOAA
    (SLOSH modeling)

  • John Eringman
    Army Corps Engineers - Mobile District

  • Linda Rouse and Ivy Lacey
    Local Emergency Managers for Harrison County

  • Applied Research Associates
    Larry Twisdale
    (contractor for Evac study)

  • Frank Ravette
    Warning Coordination Meteorologist



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