Research Archive


Thirty years After Hurricane Camille: Lessons Learned, Lessons Lost The thirtieth anniversary of Camille's landfall presents an opportunity to raise the issue of a national hurricane policy and to assess what has been learned in the three decades since.

La Niña, El Niño, and Atlantic Hurricane Damages in the United States Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

Normalized Hurricane Damages in the United States: 1925-1995 More appropriate trends in United States hurricane damages can be calculated when a normalization of the damages is done to take into account inflation, and changes in coastal population and wealth.

HURRICANES – Their Nature and Impacts on Society This book defines and assesses the hurricane problem, focusing primarily on the United States, in order to lay a foundation for action.

Hurricane Andrew Hurricane Andrew in South Florida: Mesoscale Weather and Societal Responses is the first report of the Extreme Mesoscale Events and Impacts Project at NCAR.


Who Decides? Forecasts and Responsibilities in the 1997 Red River Flood This paper analyzes the use and misuse of flood forecasts in the flood of 1997 in the Red River of the North.

Meeting the Promise of Flood Forecasting An article in the September 1997 issue of the Natural Hazards Observer, which assesses the use and misuse of flood forecasts in the spring flooding in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Midwest Flood of 1993: Weather, Climate, and Societal Impacts Flood Report The second report of the Extreme Mesoscale Events and Impacts Project at NCAR.

Extreme Events

Storms By Pielke, Jr., R. A., and R. A. Pielke, Sr. (eds.).

Extreme Events: Developing a Research Agenda for the 21st Century A multi-disciplinary effort organized by Columbia University's Center for Science, Policy, and Outcomes (CSPO) and the Environmental and Societal Impacts Group of he National Center for Atmospheric Research. The overarching objective of he workshop was to reconsider research on phenomena traditionally defined disparately as "natural hazards," "surprises," and "low probability" in terms of a more unified perspective, focused on society's needs for useful information from scientific research.

Extreme Mesoscale Events and Impacts 1992-1994 During the three years beginning in 1992, the US experienced a number of extreme weather events, including Hurricane Andrew, the midwest floods, and the "storm of the century" blizzard in the east.

Workshops Organized

Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2001: Risk-Benefit Assessment of Observing System Decision Alternatives, 18-19 June, Boulder, CO.

Pielke, Jr., R. A., 2000: Weather Research Needs of the Private Sector, 29 November – 1 December, Palm Springs, CA. Sponsored by the U.S. Weather Research Program.

Pielke, Jr., R. A., and D. Sarewitz, 2000: Extreme Events: Developing a Research Agenda for the 21st Century, 7-9 June, Boulder, CO. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

Pielke, Jr., R. A., D. Sarewitz, R. Byerly, and D. Jamieson, 1998: Prediction in the Earth Sciences: Use and Misuse in Policy Making, 10-12 September, Estes Park, Boulder, CO. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

Pielke, Jr., R. A., and D. Sarewitz, 1997: Prediction in the Earth Sciences: Use and Misuse in Policy Making, 10-12 July, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Geological Society of America.

Pielke, Jr., R. A., and J. Kimpel, 1997: Social and Economic Impacts of Weather, 2-4 April, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. Sponsored by the U.S. Weather Research Program, Electric Power Research Institute, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, American Meteorological Society, White House Subcommittee on Natural Disaster Reduction, and National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Pielke, Jr. R. A., and J. Kimpel, 1996: USWRP Prospectus Development Team (PDT6), 13-15 May, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. Sponsored by the U.S. Weather Research Program.

Pielke Jr., R. A., 1995: Weather Impacts Assessment Workshop, 8-9 August, Environmental and Societal Impacts Group, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. Sponsored by the Environmental and Societal Impacts Group at NCAR.