Decision Support and Carbon Cycle Science:
Practical Strategies to Reconciling the Supply of and Demand for Carbon Cycle Science

June 13-14, 2005
University of Colorado at Boulder

Workshop Overview
Workshop Background
Final Workshop Report [or with appendices]

Participant List

Participant Biographies

Carbon cycle science organized under the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and its predecessor, the U.S. Global Change Research Program, has a stated commitment to providing information that will be useful to decision makers. However, experience from other climate and global change research activities has shown that providing useful information is not always straightforward, and in fact requires deliberate effort within the research program itself to be successful. The carbon cycle science program does not yet have an ongoing research strategy for ensuring that a portion of its portfolio will be of use outside the scientific community.

To address this issue, we convened a workshop in Boulder, Colorado on June 13-14, 2005 to share knowledge across areas of expertise and develop a preliminary research agenda for creating "usable carbon cycle science". The goal of this workshop was to foster an interested community of researchers and develop a research agenda with the ultimate aim of improving the usefulness of carbon cycle science for the broader community of decision makers.

Workshop Objectives:

For more information, contact Lisa Dilling.