Dr. Holger Vömel


Now at the
Earth Observing Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research

Phone : +303 497 8837
Email : Voemelucaredu

Research Interests

Upper air trends of water vapor and temperature; Measurements of stratospheric and tropospheric water vapor and ozone, stratosphere-troposphere exchange; cloud processes; tropical tropospheric and lower stratospheric dynamics; polar dehydration and ozone destruction; methods and accuracies of water vapor and ozone measurements.


Full list of publications

Work in Progress

Past Research Projects

  • AURA validation measurements for water vapor and ozone.
  • Ticosonde-Aura/CR-AVE 2006 and Ticosonde-Aura/TCSP 2005
  • Soundings of Ozone and Water in the Equatorial Region/Pacific Mission (SOWER/ Pacific)
  • Validation measurements for the AIRS instrument onboard the AQUA satellite.
  • Lapbiat Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere Water Vapor Validation Project (LAUTLOS)
  • AIRS Water Vapor EXperiment (AWEX)
  • Surface ozone measurements at San Cristobal, Galapagos, Ecuador: Piquero student project.
  • Validation measurements for SAGE III water vapor observations.
  • Measurements ClO in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
  • Measurements of Antarctic dehydration.
  • More ...
  • Links

    GRUAN Lead Center
    Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg
    NOAA/Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
    Toohey Group at University of Colorado, Boulder
    Instrituo Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (Ecuador)