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Classic Work

AMS (American Meteorological Society), 1978. "Flash Floods -- A National Problem," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 59:585-586.

Baumann, D. D. and J. H. Sims, 1974. Human response to the hurricane. Chapter 3 in G. F. White (ed.), Natural Hazards: Local, National, Global. London: Oxford University Press, pp. 25-30.

Belt, Jr., C. B. 1975. "The 1973 Flood and Man's Constriction of the Mississippi River, Science 189:681-684.

Brinkmann, W. A. R., 1975. Hurricane Hazard in the United States: A Research Assessment. Monograph #NSF-RA-E-75-007, Program on Technology, Environment and Man, Institute of Behavioral Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

Brookshire, David S., Mark A. Thayer, John Tschirhart, and William D. Burkham, D.E. 1978. "Accuracy of flood mapping," Journal of Research, U.S. Geological Survey, 6(4):515-527.

Burkham, D.E. 1978. "Accuracy of flood mapping," Journal of Research, U.S. Geological Survey, 6(4):515-527.

CPW (Committee on Public Works) 1959. A Program for Reducing the National Flood Damage Potential. Memorandum of the chairman to members of the CPW (US GPO: Washington, DC).

Dunn, G. E. and B. I. Miller, 1960. Atlantic Hurricanes. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.

Glantz, M. H., 1978. Render unto weather. . . -- an editorial. Climatic Change, 1:305-306.

Goddard, J.E. 1973. "An Evaluation of Urban Flood Plains," ASCE Urban Water Resources Research Program Technical Memorandum No. 19 (American Society of Civil Engineers: New York, NY).

Haas, J. E., R. W. Kates, and M. J. Bowden, 1977. Reconstruction Following Disaster (MIT Press: Cambridge, MA).

Hoyt, W. and W.B. Langbein, 1955. Floods (Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey).

Iseri, K. T. and W. B. Langbein, 1974. Large Rivers of the United States, USGS Circular 686.

Ludlam, D. M., 1963. Early American Hurricanes: 1492-1870. Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society.

McKay, G., 1979. Editorial. "What's the Use?," Climatic Change, 2:3-5.

National Science Foundation, 1968. Human Dimensions of the Atmosphere NSF 68-18.

Novlan, D. J. and W. M. Gray, 1974. Hurricane-spawned tornados. Monthly Weather Review, 102:476-488.

Orlanski, I., 1975. A rational subdivision for atmospheric processes. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 56:527-530.

Simpich, F. 1927. "The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927," The National Geographic Magazine, 52:243-289.

Simpson, R. H.. 1978. Hurricane prediction. In National Academy of Sciences, Geophysical Predictions. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Simpson, R. H., 1971. The Decision Process in Hurricane Forecasting. NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS SR-53. Silver Springs, MD: NWS.

Simpson, R. H. and M. B. Lawrence, 1971. Atlantic Hurricane Frequencies Along the U.S. Coastline. NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS SR-58. Silver Springs, MD: NWS.

Stewart, T. R., P. J. Roebber, and L. F. Bosart (in press). The importance of the task in analyzing expert judgment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Sugg, A. L., 1968. Beneficial aspects of the tropical cyclones. Journal of Applied Meteorology, February:39-45.

Sugg, A. L., 1967. Economic aspects of hurricanes. Monthly Weather Review, 95:143-146.

Tannehill, I. R., 1952 (8th edition). Hurricanes: Their Nature and History. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

TFFFCP (Task Force on Federal Flood Control Policy) 1966. A Unified National Program for Managing Flood Losses, report No. 67-663 (US GPO: Washington, DC).

USWRC (U.S. Water Resources Council), 1976. A Unified National Program for Flood Plain Management, Washington, DC.

USWRC (U.S. Water Resources Council), 1979. A Unified National Program for Flood Plain Management, Washington, DC.

White, G. F. 1945. Human Adjustments to Floods: A Geographical Approach to the Flood Problem in the United States Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Geography, University of Chicago.

White, G. F. 1975. Flood Hazard in the United States: A Research Assessment, (Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado: Boulder, CO).

White, G. F. and J. E. Haas, 1975. Assessment of Research on Natural Hazards (MIT Press: Cambridge, MA).

WMO, (World Meteorological Organization), 1979. Proceedings of the World Climate Conference, WMO-537.

WRC (Water Resources Council) 1977, Estimated Flood Damages: Appendix B, Nationwide Analysis Report. (US GPO: Washington, DC).

WRC (Water Resources Council) 1968. The Nation's Water Resources, (US GPO: Washington, DC).

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