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Improving Environmental Communication and Adaptation Decision-making in the Humanitarian Sector

ENVS 5909-902/CSTP 5909
University of Colorado
Spring Semester 2017

Course Themes and Readings
Week 3

Problem Oriented Research & Policy Analysis - Late Feb. Date TBD

In today’s session we will practice thinking about policy issues in terms of the 5 elements of the Problem Orientation Framework of the Policy Sciences.


The Problem Orientation:
The Policy Process Chapters 5 (Problem Orientation: Focusing on Problems to Find Solutions) & 6 (Policy-Oriented Professionalism) (p 85-126).

Science as a means of understanding elements of the policy problems:
Pielke Jr., R.A. (2007) The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, Chapters 3, 4 (22-53) & 7 (97-117).

Sarewitz, Dan and Roger A. Pielke Jr. 2007. The neglected heart of science policy: reconciling supply of and demand for science. Environmental Science and Policy 10: 5-16.