The Governance of Sport
ETHN 3104

Tentative Schedule and Readings

Week 5 - February 11

  • Constitutive Decision Making: Two Cases


Technological aids in sport

Burkett, B., M. McNamee and W. Potthast, 2011. Shifting boundaries in sports technology and disability: equal rights or unfair advantage in the case of Oscar Pistorius?, Disability & Society, 26:643-654.

Jones, C. and Cassie Wilson, 2009. Defining advantage and athletic performance: The case of Oscar Pistorius, European Journal of Sport Science, 9:2, 125-131.

Tribunal Arbitral du Sport. Court of Arbitration for Sport. Arbitration CAS 2008/A/1480 Pistorius v/ IAAF, award of 16 May 2008.

Wolbring, G. 2012.  Paralympians Outperforming Olympians: An Increasing Challenge for Olympism and the Paralympic and Olympic Movement Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6: 2. 251-266.

Wolbring, G. 2008. Oscar Pistorius and the Future Nature of Olympic, Paralympic and Other Sports. SCRIPTed - A Journal of Law, Technology & Society 5: 1. 139-160.

Who gets to participate in women’s events in the Olympics?

Tucker, R. and M. Collins, 2010. The science of sex verification and athletic performance. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2010 Jun;5(2):127-39.

Levy, A., 2009. Either/Or: Sports, sex, and the case of Caster Semenya. The New Yorker, November 30, 2009.

Karkazis, K., R. Jordan-Young, G.n Davis, and S. Camporesi, 2012. Out of Bounds? A Critique of the New Policies on Hyperandrogenism in Elite Female Athletes, The American Journal of Bioethics, 12:7, 3-16.

Inernational Olympic Commitee, 2012. IOC Regulations on Female Hyperandrogenism Games of the XXX Olympiad in London.

Ballantyne, K.N., M. Kayser, J. Anton Grootegoed, 2011. Sex and gender issues in competitive sports: investigation of a historical case leads to a new viewpoint, Br J Sports Med 2012;46:614-617.