Amanda Carrico


Amanda Carrico

Environmental Studies
University of Colorado Boulder
397 UCB
Boulder CO, 80309-0397

Tel: 303-492-9163


Amanda joined the ENVS faculty in the spring of 2014.  Her work draws on the fields of psychology (her home discipline), sociology, demography, and economics to examine human-environment interactions.  Amanda’s work falls into two primary research areas.  The first is to understand the factors that motivate pro-environmental behavior among individuals and households, and how these insights can be can used to improve environmental programs and policy.  The second examines adaptive responses to environmental change among households and communities engaged in agricultural livelihoods.

Amanda’s current research includes the ADAPT-SL project, which uses longitudinal surveys to examine adaptations in agricultural practices among smallholding farmers in Sri Lanka in response to water scarcity.  She is also a co-investigator on the Bangladesh Environment and Migration Survey (BEMS), which seeks to understand the role of internal and international migration as a response to environmental stress in southwest Bangladesh.  Amanda and others are also leading an NSF funded study to examine positive and negative spillover of environmentally significant behavior in response to pro-environmental interventions.

Amanda earned her Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University.

Please also visit Amanda's Environment & Behavior Lab website.