CSTPR Outreach Overview

Center outreach strives to engage the science and technology policy community and others in discussion of and reflection on critical issues at the intersection of science, technology and decision making. Outreach activities include our newsletter, Ogmius; a dynamic website; a series of CSTPR Pamphlets; the Center's annual report; a noontime seminar series; guest speakers such as internationally recognized climate policy expert Steve Rayner from Oxford; lecture series such as the highly acclaimed "Policy, Politics, and Science in the White House: Conversations with Presidential Science Advisors" series; events such as the Center’s 10th Anniversary celebration featuring a keynote address by John Holdren, science advisor to President Obama; both peer-reviewed and popular press books and articles; talks and presentations; blogging by individual faculty and students at the Center; frequent interaction with the media; and editorships of scholarly journals.

For more information please contact our Outreach Coordinator, Ami Nacu-Schmidt.