CSTPR has closed May 31, 2020: Therefore, this webpage will no longer be updated. Individual projects are or may still be ongoing however. Please contact CIRES should you have any questions.


Douglas Kenney

University of Colorado School of Law
322J Wolf Law Building
Campus Box 401
Boulder, CO 80309-0401

Tel: 303-492-1296
Fax: 303-492-1297

Douglas Kenney is Director of the Western Water Policy Program, a division of CU Law School’s Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment. Doug has a broad interdisciplinary background in natural resources, beginning with a B.A. in Environmental, Population and Organismic (EPO) Biology from the University of Colorado in 1987, an M.S. in Natural Resources Policy and Administration from the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and Environment in 1989, and a Ph.D. in Renewable Natural Resource Studies from the University of Arizona's School of Renewable Natural Resources in 1993. Prior to joining the Center, Doug was employed as an independent consultant, primarily working on the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa and Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACT/ACF) River Basin study in the southeastern United States. Doug specializes in the analysis of institutional arrangements for the governance, administration, and field-level management and use of natural resources.

Please see Doug's homepage at the University of Colorado Law School.