CSTPR has closed May 31, 2020: Therefore, this webpage will no longer be updated. Individual projects are or may still be ongoing however. Please contact CIRES should you have any questions.
Rebecca Safran


Rebecca Safran

Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Colorado Boulder
N317 Ramaley Hall
Boulder Colorado 80309

Tel: 303-735-1495


Rebecca Safran an Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. As an evolutionary biologist, Becca’s interests are focused on the process of how new species form. In particular, her group works at the interface of fine-scale within-population dynamics and their consequences across closely related populations. Projects in the lab include studies related to the physiological, behavioral and ecological and climate factors that influence genomic divergence among closely related populations. Funded by the National Science Foundation through several grants including the CAREER award, Becca’s research has appeared in Science, Current Biology, and Trends in Ecology and Evolution and many other publications related to evolutionary ecology and genetics. Each fall Becca teaches a course on the interface of climate change and film-making where students are asked to present their views on climate change in several 5-minute short films. During the spring term, she is takes on the challenge of teaching Evolution and Physiology to over 700 students in her course on General Biology.