Collaborators, Coauthors and Speakers
July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003
- Susan Avery, CIRES
- Andy Barrett, NSIDC / CIRES
- Gary Bates, CDC
- Greg Cronin, CIRES Center for Limnology
- Terrell Dixon, University of Houston
- Randall Dole, CDC
- Bruce Foltz, Eckerd College
- Chris Goemans, Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)/EB
- Dr. Christopher Green, McGill University
- Martin Hoerling, CDC
- Bill Hooke, AMS
- Charles Howe, Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)
- Shaleen Jain, CIRES / CDC
- Douglas Kenney, CU Natural Resources Law Center
- William Lewis, CIRES Center for Limnology
- Andrew Light, New York University
- Patrick Mahaffy, Pharmion
- Donald Mock, CDC
- Carl Mitcham, Colorado School of Mines
- Claudia Nierenberg, NOAA/OAR
- John Pitlick, Dept of Geography
- Balaji Rajagopalan, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
- Andrea Ray, CDC
- Andrew Revkin, New York Times
- Lee Rozaklis, Hydrosphere, Inc.
- Dan Sarewitz, Columbia University
- James Saunders, CIRES Center for Limnology
- Paul Sperry, CIRES
- Al Teich, AAAS
- Nancy Tuana, Penn State
- Congressman Mark Udall, U.S. House of Representatives
- Randy Udall, Community Office for Resource Efficiency, Pitkin County, CO
- Doug Walker, CommunityViz
- Robert S. Webb, NGDC and CDC
- John Wiener, Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)
- Klaus Wolter, CDC
- Connie Woodhouse, INSTAAR and NGDC