Collaborators, Coauthors and Speakers
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004
- J. Abraham, Meteorological Service of Canada
- E. Abrams, Accuweather, Pennsylvania State College
- R.B. Alley, Department of Geosciences and EMS Environment Institute, Pennsylvania State University
- L.T. Anderson-Berry, James Cook University Centre for Disaster Studies
- Vicky Arroyo, Pew Center on Global Change
- L.M. Avallone, NCER
- Susan Avery, CIRES
- R. Bally, Bureau of Meteorology Research, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Andy Barrett, NSIDC / CIRES
- B. Bass, Atmospheric Environment Service
- Gary Bates, CDC
- J. Block, DTN Weather Services
- D. Brandon, Colorado Basin River Forecasting Center
- D.H. Bromwich, Byrd Polar Research Institute, Ohio State University
- R. Carbone, NCAR
- D. Chang, Atmospheric and Environmental Research
- Tom Chase, CU Geography
- M. Claussen, Institute of Physics, Potsdam University
- Richard Conant, Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory, CSU
- Greg Cronin, CIRES Center for Limnology
- Lisa Dilling, ESIG/NCAR
- Randall Dole, CDC
- M. Downton, ESIG, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- K. Drdla, NASA
- K. Droegemeier, University of Oklahoma
- K. Emanuel, Mass. Institute of Technology
- A.J. Etringer, CIRES
- M. Fernandez, World Economy Research Centre
- Bruce Foltz, Eckerd College
- E.W. Friday Jr., National Research Council
- Jose Fuentes, Atmospheric Sciences, University of Virginia
- R. Gall, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- J. Gaynor, NOAA / Maryland
- R.R. Getz, AWIS Weather Services, Inc.
- T. Glickman, Mass. Institute of Technology
- Chris Goemans, Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)
- V. Gupta, CalTech
- L.E. Hay, USGS
- Charles Herrick, Stratus Consulting
- Martin Hoerling, CDC
- B. Hoggatt, Aquila Energy
- William Hooke, AMS
- Charles Howe, Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)
- M.F. Hutchinson, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University
- L.T. Iraci, NASA
- Shaleen Jain, CIRES / CDC
- E.R. Johnson, National Weather Service
- P. Kabat, DLO Winand Staring Centre, Netherlands
- E. Kalnay, Univ. of Maryland, College Park
- J. Keenan, Bureau of Meteorology Research, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Douglas Kenney, CU Natural Resources Law Center
- Dan Kevles, Yale
- M. Keykyah
- J. Kimpel, NOAA/NSSL
- D. King, James Cook University Centre for Disaster Studies
- P. Kocin, The Weather Channel
- Paul Komor, CU Civil Engr
- Wolfgang Krohn, Bielefeld University (Germany)
- Frank Laird, DU
- R. Lammers, Weather Systems Analysis Group
- C. Landsea, NOAA
- R. Leigh, Risk Frontier, Macquarie University, Australia
- William Lewis, CIRES Center for Limnology
- M. Linnea, University of Virginia
- Manuel Lujan, Former Secretary of the Interior
- B. Marler, Pacific Gas & Electric
- J. Marotzke, Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK
- Karena McKinney, Amherst College
- J.Z.B. Miller, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Carl Mitcham, Colorado School of Mines
- Donald Mock, CDC
- R. Morss, ESIG/NCAR
- Susi Moser, ESIG/NCAR
- M. Murphy, CIRES Center for Limnology
- R. Nath, Center for Policy Research
- R. Nathan, Aquila Energy
- S. Nelson, National Science Foundation
- Claudia Nierenberg, NOAA/OAR
- W.D. Nordhaus, Department of Economics, Yale
- Gunilla Oberg, Linköping Universitet (Sweden)
- Naomi Oreskes, UCSD
- D. Peteet, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
- G. Petschel-Held, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- R.T. Pierrehumbert, Department of the Geophysical Sciences, Chicago
- M. Pirone, WSI Corp
- John Pitlick, Dept of Geography
- E. Prater, Innovative Energy Management
- W. Qualley, American Airlines
- Balaji Rajagopalan, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
- Andrea Ray, CDC
- S. Regonda, CU Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems
- Andy Revkin, New York Times science reporter
- P.B. Rhines, Department of Atmospheric Sciences & Oceanography, University of Washington
- John Robinson, University of Britich Columbia
- Michael Rodemeyer, PEW Initiative on Food and Biotechnology
- Lee Rozaklis, Hydrosphere, Inc.
- Jose Rubiera, Cuban Meteorological Service
- Anne Ruggles, wildlife biologist/attorney, Center Visiting Scholar
- Dan Sarewitz, CSPO/ASU
- James Saunders, CIRES Center for Limnology
- Mark Serreze, NSIDC / CIRES
- D. D. Shoji Ojima, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University
- K. Simmons, Oklahoma City University
- M. Smith, WeatherData, Inc.
- Paul Sperry, CIRES
- T.S. Stewart, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs, State Univ. of New York
- T.F. Stocker, Physics Institute, Bern, Switzerland
- T. Stohlgren, Colorado State University
- K. Strzepek, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
- L.D. Talley, The Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of San Diego
- J. Thomson, WeatherNews, Inc.
- M.A. Tolbert, California Institute of Technology
- Darin Toohey, CU
- Will Toor, CU, Mayor City of Boulder
- Kevin Vranes, AGU Congressional Science Fellow
- J.M. Wallace, Department of Atmospheric Sciences & Oceanography, University of Washington
- Robert S. Webb, NGDC and CDC
- K. Werner, Colorado Basin River Forecast Center
- John Wiener, Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS)
- R.L. Wilby, Environment Agency
- G. Wilson, Baron Services
- Klaus Wolter, CDC
- Connie Woodhouse, INSTAAR and NGDC
- D. Yates, NCAR
- T. Zhang, CIRES