The Societal Aspects of Weather WWW portal is an online resource to facilitate, encourage, and support the formation of a researcher-user partnership and community of people involved in the societal aspects of weather. The site serves as a central clearinghouse for on-line resources for this topic and provides some of the tools for increased interaction between researchers and users of weather information; |
The WeatherZine is a bimonthly online and email newsletter on the societal aspects of weather that contains opinion pieces, news, and a brief summary of developments at the Societal Aspects of Weather Web site; |
The Use and Value of Weather and Climate Forecast Bibliography is an online resource for information on peer-reviewed studies of the use and value of weather and climate forecasts; |
The weather-policy listserv is an email group to discuss the educational and research aspects of atmospheric sciences policy; and |
The Extreme Weather Sourcebook is an online report summarizing in graphical and text format damage suffered from hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, lightning and other weather events in the United States and its territories. |