Archived Projects:
Hydro-Climate Research and Decision Making

The central theme of Hydro-Climate Research and Decision Making is to advance hydro-climate research to meet the decision-making needs of water managers in different parts of the country.

Research is directed towards improving operational hydrologic forecasting capabilities, and is focused in all aspects of the hydrologic system. The three system components are:

  1. Inputs – develop skillful local scale forecasts of precipitation and temperature ranging from lead-times of days to seasons.
  2. Process – study basin initial conditions and characterize model uncertainties..
  3. Outputs – post-processing model outputs to provide improved model simulations.

We are currently working with the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center to compare our experimental streamflow forecasting procedures with the current operational procedures, and are also working with the NWS Office of Hydrologic Development to infuse our experimental forecasting techniques in the NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Services.

    New EventThe International Workshop on Hydrometeorological and Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction will be held June 21-24 at NCAR Foothills Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, USA. For more information see the workshop website.

Acknowledgements: This research is supported by grants from the NOAA GAPP and the NOAA RISA Programs.

Collaborators: CBRFC, the Office of Hydrologic Development, and the US Geological Service.